Thursday, 7 June 2012

High Anxiety

They say travel broadens the mind, but what happens when that mind is full of stress and anxiety?

Everyone who knows me knows that I have a tendency to worry. On the flight here I got maybe 2 hours of good sleep over the last 24, and here in no particular order are what was preoccupying my mind the whole time:

1) I'm not sleeping, what's gonna happen if I don't get enough sleep?!
2) Going through customs - what if we get interrogated by some asshole customs officer? All anyone has told me is how horrible they are.
3) What if our bags aren't in LA when we land?
4) What if Liam doesn't get enough sleep? He has to drive us from the car rental to the motel.
5) Holy shit, Liam has to drive after 2 days travelling, in a foreign country, on the wrong side of the road.

Of course, nothing bad happened and we arrived in the motel in one piece, in what is a pretty stylin' automobile.

Now I realise this makes me sound like the world's worst travelling companion. I'm really trying, and this holiday is one of those times where I get to push myself out of my comfort zone.

Having Liam around always helps - you've read his posts, so full of hope and excitement. I always think it comes down to the Number 1, basic, fundamental difference between us: Liam is a Science-Fiction nerd, while I am into horror. For the SF fan, The Future and The Unknown are things of wonder - but to a horror fan those things are dark and threatening.

Just take my favourite horror film, Suspiria. Its about a girl who TRAVELS to Germany to study ballet, and, oops, the school is run by a bunch of frickin' witches.

Now consider Liam's favourite SF film - 2001: A Space Odyssey. A film about the future of humanity and its potential for evolution and enlightenment.

So, in my sleep deprived stupor I decided that the time has come to nurture the SF fan within. All new adventures are to be looked at as opportunities for progression and inspiration.

Time to move from bone to satellite, baby!

And hopefully not get murdered by inbred hillbillies on the way...            


  1. "Work Mum and Dad" decided that because Denise is going to help us one day per week for the next however long that Liam's desk needed a clean...all I can smell now is alcohol wipes. Amongst the desk tidying there was the usual Ma & Pa Kettle type chatter; in this instance it was "Has anyone checked Liam's blog to make sure they haven't broken down in the midddle of the desert and need us to send help?" So here I am. You're both alive. I can go back to being annoyed at the sounds and smells of tidying up now. *twitch*

  2. "5) Holy shit, Liam has to drive after 2 days travelling, in a foreign country, on the wrong side of the road."

    Laughed my ass off.
