We FINALLY arrived in Los Angeles Thursday, 7th June 2012 at around 10am on United Airlines flight #840.
If you ever wondered how many terrible films were made in 2012, fly United and you'll have no choice but to see them all, washed down with some of the most awful airline food ever.
Other than that, and the woman who soiled herself, the flight was rather uneventful, but loooooong.
But we're here now, and after taking an hour to get through Customs, we made it to Thrifty Rental Cars and got this:
We booked a Dodge, but they didn't have any, so a Chevy Impala will do in a pinch!
And thank God our hotel room was ready, so we could get in and get settled down.
Tomorrow's itinerary includes a tour at Warner Brothers Studios and a visit to the Griffith Park Observatory!
More soon!
Looking forward to hearing more of your adventures! Be sure to put a mention on Facebook when this gets updated so we can check it out.