Thursday, 21 June 2012

Roswell That Doesn't Quite End Well.

Our drive from Tombstone, Arizona to Roswell, New Mexico was a long one, so I won't bore you with the details.

Once we arrived in Roswell, we settled into our hotel room for the night. The next morning, before embarking on an even longer journey to Texas, we stopped in to the UFO Museum and Research Centre.

Really, it is the only reason to go, and that reason isn't good enough.

As you can see, everything is ridiculously alien themed. 

This is the museum. In Tombstone, the entire town was a living museum. This...not so much.

Ummm, yeah, so this is a thing.

In all fairness they do cover the event that made them famous and attempt to cover all bases of UFO and extraterrestrial lore...

...but then there is also this...

I kind of dug it, just because I was in Roswell, but it was disappointing. But after Area 51 and Tombstone, it had a lot to live up to.

We couldn't linger long so after a quick look see at the museum, we were off to Dallas, Texas. A drive that took us almost 12 hours!

Next post: Dealey Plaza!

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