Wednesday, 6 June 2012

In Sydney.

Lindsay and I are now in Sydney, eagerly awaiting our connection to Los Angeles at 2pm.
We are staying at my sister Amy's house, getting to spend some quality time with her and my nephew Henry and niece Isla. 

We don't have any photos to post because we are too tired and nobody wants to see photos of the inside of a plane and the view of a rain soaked Sydney suburb through a taxi's window. We know you only want the good stuff, as do we, but we're all going to have to wait a little longer for that...

The red eye from Perth was the usual voyage of the damned,  but I did get to watch Clint Eastwood's "J.Edgar" on the plane which I found to be quite a well done biopic of a very controversial public figure. It doesn't paint him as a hero or a villain, but as a very complicated individual who sought adoration and respect and would do anything to get it, but in the process pretty much invented modern American law enforcement. Leonardo DiCaprio was amazing in the lead role, and the fact that he didn't even get nominated for an Oscar is just more evidence of what a sham those awards can be. 

Just learned that Ray Bradbury died! Rest in peace Ray.

To be Los Angeles!

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